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The Story of a Gift and the Ministry

       Goals and desires, are they one and the same? Defined they differ and yet they join hands as they carry us through life. The people of this company are family men who desire a life of full-time ministry. Our goal is to establish a clothing line that will harbor the two aspects of our lives. Our goal is to establish a clothing line to support our household as we move about sharing the message of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. This clothing line established will fund us being on the road, and being that the designs are rooted purely in the message of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST we will have no choice but to discuss those designs that we present. I want to use my education in graphic design and ministry joined with  HIS given gift of my artistic ability to create an apparel company with a message and hopefully a little style (and not just clip art photoshopped together with Bible verses). To actually have a friendship that yields the fruit of two people being like-minded is rare, we are grateful for every blessing.

      Our like-minded bond is less about agreeing with what each other is saying and more about reaching the common end of leaving a positive impact on the culture. Make no mistake the seed planted is rooted in GOD'S PRINCIPLES, empowering Christianity, spreading love, provoking unity, and warring against oppression. I have been blessed with a gift "of " as well as a love "for" the arts. In honor of this gift, I dedicate it to GOD, for HIM to do whatever it is HE can do with what I present to HIM. Our prayer is that HE finds us worthy and useful. I have to trust that this is the way, our faith is in this mission, and with the support of our friends and family, we are highly encouraged to move in this direction. We eagerly await the support coming to us. To all who do support or even consider support, we are extremely grateful to offer each and every one of you our gratitude.

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